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Traffic Incidents Around The Village

Dear resident

As you will be aware, over many years the Parish Council has sought to liaise with Lancashire County Council (in its capacity as Bridge Authority) concerning any incidents of vehicle impact damage to Bradford Bridge or disruption to local traffic flow caused by very large or long vehicles seeking to cross. While such incidents have thankfully been rare over recent months, possibly as a result of the pandemic, members of the Parish Council wish to remain vigilant. As such, it has been agreed that a formal log of any incidents should now be retained; this will enable us to provide LCC with a detailed and accurate record of future damage or disruption, particularly where this arises from larger vehicles seeking to cross the bridge inappropriately. The log will therefore support the Parish Council in its efforts to secure improved road signage which will hopefully minimise the risk of traffic incidents in future.

It would be of great assistance if in future any of the following could be reported to the Parish Council so that they can be added to the log:

  • any damage caused to the walls of the bridge by a vehicle seeking to cross; and

  • any build-up of traffic on the approaches to the bridge caused by a larger vehicle struggling to cross safely.

Any incident of concern should please be reported to the Clerk, Andrew Glover, via the email address

In addition, members are aware of other traffic-related incidents around the village which have impacted on village life. For instance, in March 2020 the recently-installed railings at the war memorial were damaged by a large commercial vehicle turning into Clitheroe Road – thanks to this being witnessed by residents in the vicinity, the Parish Council has been able to secure the reinstallation of the railings by the company responsible at no further public expense. It is proposed that our log will therefore include other traffic-related incidents of this nature which residents are invited to report to the Clerk for monitoring and possible reporting to the police or LCC.

As ever, thank you for your co-operation in this regard.

Andrew Glover


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