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Local concerns or issues? Report them to the Parish Council


Dear residents

Due to the pandemic and the national / local restrictions introduced as a result, the Parish Council has been unable to meet on a regular basis since February. This has meant that the Annual General Meeting (usually held in May and open to residents to attend) has not been held. Given the anticipated introduction of further lockdown measures w/c 12 October, there is little prospect of a traditional-style AGM being held for the foreseeable future. Despite this, the Parish Council has a number of governance and constitutional matters which must still be dealt with, and in the circumstances these will now be carried out by email (as opposed to the usual format of a physical meeting) during the month of November.

Despite the inability to hold an open AGM, members of the Parish Council remain keen to hear from local residents of any matters of particular concern – whether relating to highways, Planning or any other matter. Whilst any such concerns can be raised with the Clerk at any time, if they are put forward during the month of October they can then be considered by members as part of the electronic process of holding an AGM.

Residents are therefore invited to raise any issues with the Clerk (Andrew Glover) by email, either via the Parish Council website or the following email address:

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