Once again, the village has entered the Best Kept Village competition and once again has performed really strongly across a number of categories. At an award ceremony held in Wrea Green on 14 October, the following successes were achieved:
Champion Villages category – Highly Commended (3rd place)
Winner – Best Notice Board category (Grindleton Rd) (winner out of 25 entries)
War Memorial category – runner up (out of 29 entries)
Hotel/Guest House category – joint winner (Eaves Hall) (out of 10 entries)
Public Building category – winner (Village Hall) (out of 22 entries).
This is once again a fantastic achievement and keeps up the strong tradition which the village has enjoyed for some years. The judges’ feedback makes a lovely read and will be an encouragement to all.
The Parish Council would like to thanks all residents and businesses for their efforts in making the village such a wonderful place to live. Thank you!”