When parish councillors met for the first time during 2023, on 25 January, they took some time to reflect on the previous 12 months. The year 2022 had been a particularly busy one, with the Parish Council active in a number of areas. Highlights included:
Lancashire Best Kept Village Competition – the village achieved its best result ever, coming 2nd in the Championship village class, and success was also enjoyed in numerous Outstanding Features categories;
a successful Jubilee event was held, including the inaugural lighting of the village Beacon;
7 oak trees (one to commemorate each decade of the reign of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) were purchased, and will be planted early in 2023;
repairs to, and maintenance of, village facilities (eg refurbishment of 2 kissing gates and a Public Right of Way signpost, along with Cllr Chew carrying out painting around the village);
a new notice board has been purchased and will be erected in Spring;
the interpretation board was donated to the Village Hall for future display;
a successful speed awareness exercise was held in conjunction with Bowland High School;
number of planning consultation responses submitted to Ribble Valley BC – 7;
number of highways referrals to Lancashire County Council – 11;
referrals to Ribble Valley BC planning enforcement - 2;
a successful meeting involving 5 other parish councils affected by HARP was organized at short notice, with the minutes drafted and submitted to the relevant County Council portfolio holder;
repairs to the damaged wall at the village end of Bradford Bridge were secured; and
parish councillors were involved in discussions for the development of community CCTV.
No doubt 2023 will be just as productive, we will keep you posted