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Appointment of temporary Lengthsman

Residents may recently have seen Andrew Glover, a local resident and Clerk to the Parish Council, wearing his hi-vis vest and pushing a wheelbarrow around the village. In the absence of an official Lengthsman this year, Andrew has agreed to undertake the role on a temporary basis. If you see him, please feel free to stop and say hello, or point out any issues of concern around the village. He will do his best to assist!

As Lengthsman, Andrew will be carrying out a range of duties – primarily sweeping (and removing weeds from) the highway gutters that have not been cleaned out for some time. Other duties will include keeping some of the village pathways - such as Straitgate – passable and free of undergrowth. However, following feedback from local residents, the Parish Council has taken the decision to leave grass verges in the village to grow wild in an attempt to support insects etc.

The Parish Council has once again entered the Lancashire Best Kept Village competition, with judging taking place from now to mid-July. All residents are asked to help keep the village looking tidy - one way in which residents can show their support is by removing any weeds from where their property borders the pavement. This will help the Lengthsman in his attempt to get around the village before judging is complete. In the meantime, a big thank you to all those residents who work hard to make their properties look spick and span, your efforts are greatly appreciated!

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